Influential bloggers: who are they and why appeal to them?

FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram Influential bloggers: who are they and why appeal to them? Influential bloggers: who are they and why appeal to them?  When we talk about marketing influence, we often think of Instagram stars and influencers who federate their communities around social […]

La última actualización de Instagram pierde seguidores: ¿fatalidad o reto?


FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram The latest update of Instagram is losing followers: fatality or challenge? The last update of Instagram has kicked the anthill. Many users of this platform star of the social media have seen the number of their followers drop or even […]

4 good reasons to use an influencer agency

FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram 4 good reasons to use a marketing agency That’s it, you’ve decided. You will launch a marketing influence campaign to promote your brand and better define its identity. But for that, you have to find the ideal influencer and define […]

Microinfluenciadores: ¿para quién, por qué?


FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram Micro-influencers: for whom, why? Micro-influencers: for whom, why?   When one thinks of the influence of marketing, one tends to associate directly the success of an influencer with its number of followers. Yet the true weapon of an influencer is […]

¿Cómo hacer un product placement con un jugador de fútbol?

FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram How to make a product placement with a football player? Do you dream of having a soccer star as an ambassador for your brand? But did you think it was reserved for the CAC40 companies? Think again! The placement of […]

¿Cómo encontrar al influencer adecuado para su campaña de marketing?

FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram How to find the right influencer for your marketing campaign? What was once a strategy for a few now has become a necessity. We are talking about influencing marketing in our campaigns and that in sectors such as fashion or […]

How to develop your brand internationally?

FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram How to develop your brand internationally? At the level of your digital marketing strategy   You will have to take into account the specificities of local digital marketing. The various levers (SEO, SEA, content …) are normally valid everywhere, but […]

What is an influencer instagram, snapchat, … ?

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FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram What is an influencer Instagram, Snapchat, …? An influencer is a person who has some credibility on a specific subject. Through her presence and influence on social networks, she can become an interesting prescriber for a brand. We must keep […]

Which social media for influence marketing?

Pinkhy Events

FR | ES | EN +33 (0)6 32 99 00 59 Facebook Twitter Instagram Which social mediafor influence marketing? The most  influencers develop their presence on multiple social media as much as possible for two reasons: – Reach maximum of people by extending their influence’s sphere
 – Enrich their communication methods and interaction with their followers […]