Key points for a successful influencer partnership

Several marketing strategies have been invented in recent years to achieve objectives such as increasing popularity. Traditional advertising methods are now being abandoned in favour of others, notably the partnership with an influencer. What are the key points for a successful influencer partnership? This article answers that question.

Brand authenticity

Only the quality of a product can lead to its adoption and recommendation. A real product combined with the influencer's expertise, passion and words that come easily to him create credibility, trust and visibility.

The day before

A well-done watch determines whether the partnership will be long-term or not. It concerns the identification of the influencer with whom the partnership will be established. You can make this choice firstly on the basis of the profile on social networks, the brand, the values and the community. Secondly, finding a relevant influencer depends on your objectives, i.e. each type of influencer accomplishes the tasks in a different way. You can distinguish between macro influencers, micro influencers, nano influencers and celebrities.

Finally, you should choose your influencer according to the geographical area they cover, but don't forget that their field of expertise and their speeches must be in correlation with your brand. Also check that they are not fake followers. There are solutions that can help you spot profiles. You can outsource it to an agency, as monitoring can take more time than companies have.


Making contact

The influencer must be very proud of the product he or she is advertising. To do this, it is up to you to sell him this product and very well at the time of contact. Present them with an interesting and motivating project. It is also important to give them confidence and show them that they have potential while being clear and concise. And as all work comes with a fee, discuss the interests and counterparts of the collaboration with the influencer.



When partnering with an influencer, or any other partnership, the ideal is to consider the associate as a member of your team and involve them in the activities. In this way, the influencer will have the desire to add value to your business that he considers his own. They know their community and their needs, so give them the freedom to create content as long as it's not fake. Just give them some guidance. You have an obligation to listen to the influencer for a good reputation and better credibility. In this peer-to-peer collaboration, mutual trust and freedom are the key words.


The type of influencer partnership

The forms of partnership are diverse. These include product placement, sharing a promotional code, competitions, sponsored articles and many others. You need to define it well according to your objectives and for good results. Formats vary depending on the network you choose. In terms of formats, consider videos, photos, articles, story and live. The networks are Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, blog. Again, you need to listen to the advice of the professional influencer while keeping your goals and budget in mind. However, all your decisions must be in line with the influencer's editorial line.

In summary, you will benefit from following these instructions when establishing a partnership with an influencer. Once completed, this partnership should be able to give you great visibility and boost your sales.
