Metaverse and how will it revolutionise marketing?

Metaverse, Blockchain and NFT are the three words that have been making the headlines for some time now among tech behemoths, marketing managers, but also among the major luxury brands (Louis Vuitton, Gucci and others). The Metaverse, which means "beyond the universe", is a new era that heralds the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 and could impact the entire global economy. How can the Metaverse revolutionise marketing? Here's an article that gives you the answers.

The Metaverse, to merge the real and virtual worlds


The idea behind the Metaverse concept is to manage to offer real world services and products in the virtual world. To be a little clearer, the Metaverse aims to promote products and services in the virtual world that can be consumed in the real world. Thus, the virtual world will serve as a field for the promotion of real world products or services.

The aim is to give consumers the opportunity to enjoy virtual experiences that they can still experience in real life. This idea may seem unrealistic or abstract, but many large companies such as Facebook, Shopee and others are already planning to use it to boost their image and promote their products and services. For these brands, it is an opportunity to bring their community together, build loyalty and empower them.

This new opportunity will therefore allow companies like Shopee to better position their product at events, to give customers the opportunity to try products at home using VR. Similarly, the Metaverse can also be used to create virtual shopping centres.

The ability to create new strategies with the Metaverse


The Metaverse will force companies to review their communication strategy. Indeed, unlike the real world, the consumer in the Metaverse is a virtual person, an avatar. To be able to communicate better with this person, companies will have to face a new model: the Direct to Avatar (D2A). An avatar means that the creator (a physical person) wants to have a virtual being who looks like him or her and who shares his or her tastes.

The Metaverse creates new possibilities for communication and consumption


 The virtual world is a world in which anything can be done. You just have to use your imagination to make the unreal real. This justifies the diversity of communication strategies in such a world. These communication strategies can take many forms. The best known format today is the event. Indeed, this format makes it possible to create virtual online events that bring together many brands. This is the case, for example, of the Peugeot firm, which from time to time organises a virtual online exhibition, virtual art galleries selling NFTs and physical works of art.

In addition, the Metaverse also offers the possibility for companies from all sectors to promote their brand in all possible events. It is not uncommon to see a food company selling its products in discos, restaurants, bars, virtual supermarkets and the like.
