Is e-mailing outdated? Or should we still use it?

E-mailing is a technique of sending simultaneous e-mails to targeted people in a database. It is a direct marketing approach that has been used for a long time. The question is whether it is still relevant. The answer is yes, e-mailing is still usable. The reasons for this are given in this article.

The different types of enamel


Part of the question of the usefulness of emailing is the importance of the different types of email. Each type of email has a specific purpose. You will find newsletters that inform and create traffic, prospecting emails that allow you to acquire new customers, promotional emails that boost your sales, transactional emails for orders and payments. Already at this level, you can see that emailing is still very important today, because its objectives and results are part of the development strategies of companies.

It is one of the most widely used, serious and secure means of conversation. There are also loyalty emails, reminder emails for inactive or former customers, specialised emails, notification emails and invitation emails. You can also set up autoresponder emails to ask your customers to wait or to welcome them, for example. This shows that you are active and maintains your customer base. As you know, some customers, when they do not get a response within minutes of their message, go to other companies. In view of this typology, you need emailing, because if some emails will be of no use to you, others will bring you more than you imagine.


Other benefits of emailing


There are so many advantages to emailing that it is impossible to list them all. However, they include ease of use, responsiveness, attractiveness, personalisation, flexibility and reasonable cost. The simple fact that it allows you to acquire and retain customers is a major advantage for any company. Emailing is still relevant, but you need to take steps to make better use of it. You will gain by favouring qualified contacts and categorising them well to make it easier to send emails.

For a good reputation of the company, it is better to take the opinion of the customers in advance, i.e. to take their contact or address with their consent. This prevents you from taking not-so-decent comments. You should also provide an unsubscribe link for those who no longer wish to use your services. Another important element is to choose the right emailing software to manage the contact database, secure the data, improve deliverability and more. Only then can you enjoy the benefits of email marketing.

In short, emailing is essential to you from the point of view of ease, security, speed, profitability and much more. It's the tool you can't do without, regardless of technological and digital innovations.
