Examples of bad use of influence marketing

Examples of influencers marketing's misuse

The influencer marketing are an innovative and accepted idea to promote and grow your brand. However, there have been cases where something that seemed to have been invented to succeed has ultimately failed. Because? Because there are certain mistakes that are made without realizing it or rather taking everything for granted. Everything about two-sided living and advertising through influencers was not going to be the exception. These are typical examples of the misapplication of the magical powers of web stars. Save them and avoid them.

This is how influencer marketing should not be used

False influencers : There are a number of weirdest and weirdest objects, services and values ​​sold on eBay. If there are people who can sell and therefore others who can buy, a ghost in a bottle, do you think that no influencer buys subscribers. Faced with the possibility of earning thousands of dollars from brands that only watch the number of followers, influencers buy whole batches of subscribers and even connect to botnets to gain thousands of subscribers per day. To avoid this when influencer marketing., the first step is to go around the comments and check what interaction the influencer generates with his audience. If it is poor or zero, it is not practical to trust our product. However, when it is good, it is always recommended to check the star web account to make sure everything is perfect.

Message saturation: when an influencer replaces the content himself with the sponsor, it lowers its quality and motivates the masses much less. As a result, his followers become saturated and reject him, disappearing from the radar of who was once his leader and, of course, the content of his brand is no longer seen by tens of thousands of people to whom influencer marketing gives access.

Secret advertising: in the 80s, it had a more sophisticated name: subliminal advertising. Instead, it is now a dry secret advertisement. It's a choice that brands generally make, but it rarely works. When the influencer talks about the brand, but does not do it directly, because the owner of the product has asked him to generate greater proximity, the only thing he realizes is to create a climate of lack of transparency between his followers. As a result, the influencer loses credibility and the product you gave him to advertise becomes unclear from the market he intended to reach.

To avoid these and other problems that influencer marketing can cause. It is recommended that a mediator, such as PinkhyEvents be involved. This will allow a dialogue with the witnesses between the client and the influencer, as well as the guarantee that the influencer with whom the advertisement is broadcast is a serious, committed person, with a real audience and a good interaction and willing to put all his experience serving the customer advertiser.

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