How influencers can help you improve a beauty brand

How influencers can help you improve a beauty brand

How influencers can help you improve a beauty brand

Beauty is a sector with great advantages in today's markets. Image is everything, both in finding a partner, in doing well in a job interview and also in feeling good about yourself. 

In addition, cosmetics have diversified into an interesting network, such as the option that does not involve animal testing or the one that flirts with the pharmaceutical company, whose name is cosmeceutical. As a result, this has broadened the audience that the industry had in previous years and, of course, opened the door to influencers as brand ambassadors. Why ? We analyze it below.

Influencers influence the world of beauty

Credibility: if behind a line of cosmetics the potential buyer collides with Rihanna or Barbara Palvin, newly raised, who takes them by the hand and makes them pass from the “before” to the imminent “after”, the effect is exhaled credibility. She is no longer a model who rehearsed thirty times until her face could finally be noticed by her tone of voice and the cameraman managed to make the perfect shot; It’s the influencers who have taken and continue to bring Generation Y to the top of admiration. If Rihanna has it in her locker room kit and that's what Barbara uses to look spectacular after two hours of training, then I want her too.

Results in sightThis point is closely related to the previous one. If the influencers look the way I want to look and trust certain products, why shouldn't I? There are times when a youtuber simply shows us at the beginning of his video the shampoo he uses and with a straight face to the camera he says "I know because I use them", there's not much else to say.

This is the advice of your elder brother: those who follow the influencers are part of their lives. These network architects know how to treat their audience so that each of their members feels special and can't help but feel that they are talking only to themselves. This is very effective when, as brands, we want to reach our own audience. Now it's the 'older brother' who gives the advice.

Mega or micro-influencers? - Choose the one that suits you

Both have their advantages, so it is necessary to know where our brand stands in order to choose the right one. The mega-influencers are those followed by more than half a million people. They have enchanted the masses and are chosen by ... 20% of brands.

Why so little?

Because if the brand is just dawn and Selena Gomez is talking to us with direct eyeballs of approval, it's common knowledge that she's doing it because we paid her to deliver that message to her audience.

On the other hand, if an emerging brand uses micro-influencers, the you-to-you effect is much more powerful. This type of influencers has the particularity of knowing how to connect with its audience, which is exactly what we want. By having fewer subscribers, the connection with them is closer.

In addition, another aspect to consider when choosing our influencer is your region and your profession. For example, a journalist is not always effective in promoting a beauty brand (there are exceptions, of course), but certain fields of work and professions seem to be waiting to be dressed up with a beauty line. This is the case of influencers dedicated to fashion or art.

Choosing the right influencer is as important as the decision to start having one of these professionals as your brand ally. Therefore, having a trusted agency becomes a vital part of your process so that it can bear fruit from the start.

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